Course Title: Applied Regression Analysis
Course ID: BST210 (Full Term Course)
Topics to be covered:
Topics include model interpretation, model building, and model assessment for linear regression with continuous outcomes, logistic regression with binary outcomes, and proportional hazards regression with survival time outcomes. Specific topics include regression diagnostics, confounding and effect modification, goodness of fit, data transformations, splines and additive models, ordinal, multinomial, and conditional logistic regression, generalized linear models, overdispersion, Poisson regression for rate outcomes, hazard functions, and missing data. The course will provide students with the skills necessary to perform regression analyses and to critically interpret statistical issues related to regression applications in the public health literature.
Prerequisites: BIO 201, ID 201, or equivalent (or majoring in BST, CBQG, HDS)
Prior math/stat knowledge: Ask the course instructor
Computing: Stata, SAS, R will be used in lecture and lab sessions