Course Title: Applied Regression for Clinical Research
Course ID: BST213 (Full Term Course)
Topics to be covered:
Linear regression and logistic regression are the primary models covered here.
Gneral concepts in model selection, goodness-of-fit, and testing procedures are also covered.
This course will introduce he practical application of regression analysis in clinical research.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to carry out your own multiple linear and logistic regression analyses.
Survival data anlaysis will not be covered.
Prerequisites: BST201 or ID201 or (BST202 and BST203) or [BST206 and (BST207 or BST208)]
Prior math/stat knowledge: Background in SAS programming ability required since each lecture will be accompanied by a data analysis using SAS, and a classroom discussion of the results. The course will introduce but will not attempt to develop the underlying likelihood theory, and will use as little calculus as possible.
Computing: SAS will be used in lecture and lab sessions.